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To reach the underlying truth... 

dare to dive beneath the surface.

Hello mould-breaker

So, you've left the paved path?

You're dedicated to living an unconventional heart-led life and it's sometimes hard to place your finger on what's missing, why things feel "stuck" and how to be in flow? I've got you.


Your deepest longing has brought you here.


Who am I?

Mystic, Creative, Alchemist

My work is my play born from a ceaseless fascination with how things work. The important things, I should say, like health, harmony, success, happiness.


What I do?

Reflecting Truth

My mission is what comes most naturally to me: to be a mirror for your inner knowing, your truth.


I'm all about somatic awareness but combined with re-generating light perception. One without the other is yin without yang, if you ask me.


I teach, consult and am most known for my work with Reflex Maps. Right now that's how to work with me as a student and/ or collaborator.

About me
Amala Black

About me

My Scottish gypsy heart has led me to live in many places, create multiple businesses, investigate numerous esoteric teachings and build a life in rugged SW Portugal. Come visit!

Amala Black
Work with me

Let's work together!

Something's brewing...

For support inviting more holistic and sustainable flow in all areas of your life subscribe for free resources as we prepare to re-launch Reflex Maps.


This is my bread and butter teaching and it's about to go next level. Don't miss it!

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Any questions or requests are welcome via

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